Manual & Sports Injury Therapy

Manual Therapy is a clinical approach based on skilled “hands-on” therapy which helps to decrease pain and improve the mobility of joints, soft tissues and nerves.

The benefits of Manual Therapy 

  • Increase mobility to stiff joints and range of motion 
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Induce relaxation 
  • Improve tissue repair 
  • Reduce pain levels
  • Facilitate movement and exercise therapy 

Our Manual Therapists provide therapy to children and young people as prescribed by our Physiotherapists. 

Sports Injury Therapy is provided for both children and adults. All sports injuries are treated ranging from Acute to Chronic to Overuse injuries. 

Some of the most common sports injuries treated would include strains, sprains, runners knee, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff injuries, shin splints,patella tendonitis and ankle sprains to name just a few. 

All are treated with a variety of age appropriate modalities including 

  • Deep tissue massage 
  • Trigger point dry needling 
  • Muscle energy techniques 
  • Connective tissue manipulation 
  • Soft tissue release 
  • Electrotherapy

We also provide Match Day Pitchside First Aid cover for teams and sporting events from our Cork office.